The world is a community and man/woman are a member of it. It is vital for human beings to interact with each other- not only for the sake of survival but also for maintaining peace, harmony, and equilibrium in society. To maintain this harmony and balance, the interaction among the members should not only be friendly but very sensitively calculative too because the bond they are about or have already formed among themselves needs timely “maintenance”. Right negotiation is the key to a healthy understanding. There are many types of relationships in the community, some are new while some had always existed but newly discovered and identified (with respect) while some have been bestowed with the advent of the internet. These relationships and bonds are formulated and based on certain negotiation strategies.

Negotiation refers to strong communication skills that can yield benefits in your personal and professional life. One cannot communicate the same way with a friend and a business partner. There are certain gestures and body language which are specific for a specific type of behavior and ambiance. It seems impossible for someone who is not used to or does not fancies socializing. However, to establish a healthy and cordial atmosphere in your life and lifestyle, you must sustain certain relationships with the required number of efforts. The key to survival is an effective negotiation.


Here are some key negotiation strategies that can prove to be worthwhile:



  1. Strong Communication Skill 


Strong Communication Skill , negotiation strategies


There is no point in conducting a negotiation if one has lazy and clumsy communication skills. This way, people or the listener will only get bored. Most people commit the biggest blunder of talking only about themselves- this is a huge turnoff. Do not talk about yourself unless asked or indicated. Going on talking about yourself, trying to ask uncomfortable private questions about them or someone they know, not only sounds awkward but also nosy and distasteful.


Visit: tips to improve communication skills



2. Maintain correct Body Language: 


Maintain correct Body Language


More than words, our body expresses and exerts a language of its own. It is very important for words and the body to work in sync with each other. The conversations can turn out to be misleading if these things are not in correspondence with others. A well-coordinated body language and conversation proves to be more impactful. In a formal setting, make sure you do not become too stiff, conscious, or comfortable; also do not forget to use an appropriate amount of gesticulation.  


Visit: how to improve negotiation skills


3. Try to Sound Convincing: 


Try to Sound Convincing


The very reason to negotiate is to convince what you are trying to convey. Make sure you are not going out of the way and coaxing the person at a level that might make him/her uncomfortable. It is essential to allow that person to talk and should not be just you talk. Only one person contributing to the conversation makes the atmosphere dull, uninteresting, and dominating- always leave room for others to dive into it. This is applied to both- formal and informal settings. To assure that you are convincing enough, speak in a way that sounds beneficial to the listener, such that he/she already starts to invest in your ideas.



benefits of personal development



4. First Impression Lasts Long: 


First Impression Lasts Long, negotiation strategies


First Impressions are all about personality. A strong personality is one with strong morale and ideologies, which easily reflects in a person’s way of conversing. To enhance or polish this skill, it is strongly advised to get groomed at a personality development course. It is totally normal to attend a personality development course and is nothing sort of a taboo. Sharpening your personality development skills have become crucial to not only sound convincing but also to make you look smart, attractive, and intimidating. 


personality development training





5. Keep it Short: 


Keep it Short


Long conversations might sound interesting and gripping but that is not always the case. Sometimes long conversation also means opening up more than required which is not always recommended, especially in a formal setting, and when this happens disagreements of a higher degree can take place. For a formal setting, try to curate and talk it out in a limited amount of time. This will make the listener more interested in you and would become inquisitive to learn about you. Always make sure that the efforts should be both sided.


Visit: importance of career development


6. Do not be Direct: 


Do not be Direct


While trying to bring the other person on the same page as yours, do not be in a hurry. If you rush and become direct and straightforward, they will not comply with your demands and would end up messing the whole scenario with awkwardness. Be polite and understanding, read the person’s mood and emotions, and act likewise.


Visit: skills to build resilience


7. Do not Ask too Many Questions: 


Do not Ask too Many Questions, negotiation startegies


It is essential to note that negotiation strategies are two-way things including efforts from the other side too. Too many questions can result in two things: (a) the person might get bored and irritated; (b) he/she should also be showing the same amount of interest towards you and should also contribute to an equal amount of questions and explanations.


Visit: Thinking and Reasoning Skills


Negotiation strategies always come in handy while dealing with any kind of problem because ultimately, it is the people we interact with and extract benefit from each other to survive. A good conversation is a product of patience, perseverance, and wisdom.


Our personality development course instills the indomitable spirit of excellence in yourself and you learn how to make things happen. Unlike self help books and crash courses on self development, this course will establish a very permanent and soulful relationship with your thinking pattern and memory.